Sunday 22 February 2009

Comment on Claire Cramphorn's Blog!

Smoking is certainly ‘sexy’ when you have the likes of Brad Pitt and Colin Farrell with a cigarette in their hands. The whole ‘Bad Boy’ image is a huge sex appeal, and the cigarette completes the look. I fully agree with Claire when she says it is only the people with poor hygiene anyway, who have the yellow teeth and smelly clothes from cigarette smoke. I am not so sure your everyday person would look so sexy with a cigarette in their hand, standing in a smoking shelter surrounded by smoke. If they are lucky enough to have the looks of Brad Pitt, maybe! There is definitely something sexy about smoking, and I am sure the tobacco companies are aware of this fact. I am convinced that this is why the NHS has set up the “smoking isn’t sexy” campaign to deter us from these thoughts. Perhaps long-term, once the sex appeal and attraction had worn off, the smoking wouldn’t actually appear so sexy.

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