Tuesday 7 April 2009

Comment on Ruth Sheppard's Blog!

Fox Hunting!

Ruth's Blog!

I completely disagree with Fox hunting, or any other type of hunting, I believe it is cruel and unnecessary. I do not understand how people can gain pleasure from watching an animal suffer. How would the hunters like to be flushed out of their homes and shot at point blank range for no reason? In response to the comment that foxes are regarded as pests or vermin, I could say the same about some people, however, we are not allowed to go and shoot ‘human vermin’ for the sheer fun of it. Maybe the world would be a better place if we could. Foxes are a part of nature exactly the same as rats, pigeons, squirrels, and every other living creature. What gives hunters the right to decide if these animals live or die, whether they are considered vermin or not? Hunting foxes cannot be thought of in the same way as killing chickens or cattle for meat. The foxes are killed for fun, not for food. Honestly, what is there to understand about fox hunting? It is my personal opinion that it is simply affluent people gaining pleasure out of parading around on horses all day, causing needless suffering to innocent animals. That cannot be regarded as a sport it is cold blooded animal cruelty, and the government should have banned it completely a long time ago! I absolutely agree with Rebecca Webb's blog about hunting, it is not just ‘bad’ it is barbaric!


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